
AdLibArchive Matrix

Page history last edited by Lisa Spiro 16 years, 2 months ago
Home Page http://www.adlibsoft.com/
Developed by Adlib Information Systems (a company based in the Netherlands)
Developer’s Description “Intended specifically for managing collections in archives and records offices, Adlib Archive has been designed and developed by Adlib Information Systems, and is based on many years of experience in the collection management field. Adlib Archive offers comprehensive functionality and interfaces for professional archive management. Standard features include Accessions and accruals, hierarchical catalogue structure to ISAD(G), and authority records to ISAAR(CPF) standards, published document cataloguing, image linking and retrieval capabilities and interfaces to external files, such as Word or Excel documents, Web pages, etc.”
License Commercial
Purchasing Cost Depends on number of users and database used.
Maintenance Cost 15% of the license per year
User Support
  • Web site
  • Help desk
  • User manual
  • User group
  • Remote assistance support
  • Online tutorial
  • Training courses
  • Remote access training
  • On-site training
System Requirements Adlib application: Windows 2000 or later operating system, 512MB of RAM for Windows 2000 or Windows XP, 1GB of RAM for Windows Vista The Adlib Internet Server module runs on a Windows Server. “If you want to take advantage of ASP and XML technology, you should run Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), a component of Windows, on a Windows 2000 or 2003 Server.”
Technical Architecture
  • Desktop client (Win32)
  • Database backend (SQL server, Oracle or Adlib proprietary database)
  • ASPX Internet application
Backup/ restore utility There is no integrated backup/restore utility. DBMS tools must be used to backup/restore.
Maturity Adlib archive is in use in at least 50 archives, and the general Adlib software has been in use in more than 1600 institutions, for over 20 years.
Hosting Available? Yes
Demo/ Sandbox Available? Yes (Windows-based)
Sustainability The Adlib archive software is based on international archival standards, such as ISAD-G and ISAAR. The software implements EAD data exchange, but also has OAI and SRU API’s. The product's use of XML makes Adlib Archive a sustainable product.
Example Users
  • London Borough Of Hillingdon, Central Library
  • Senate House Library, Special Collections, University of London
  • International Monetary Fund, Washington DC
  • Archive of the city Amsterdam The Netherlands
  • Bermuda Archives Bermuda
  • Center for Documentation and Research, Abu Dhabi
Unique Features
  • OAI Support
Support for Importing/ Exporting Metadata
Exports MARC Yes
Exports EAD Yes
Exports Dublin Core Yes
Exports MODS Optional, by adding XSLT style sheets
Exports METS Optional, by adding XSLT style sheets
Exports MADS Optional, by adding XSLT style sheets
Batch Exports EAD Optional, by adding XSLT style sheets
Batch Exports MARC Yes
Batch Export Tab Delimited Files Yes
Imports EAD Yes
Imports MARC Yes
Imports Tab Delimited Files/ CSV Yes
Imports Digital Image Files Yes
Import Accession Data Yes
Batch Import EAD Yes
Batch Import MARC Yes
Batch Import CSV Yes
Collection Management Features
Appraisals Yes
Accessions Yes
Create Deeds of Gift Yes
Prioritize Processing Order Yes, through the accessions module
Track Donors Yes
Project Management No
Record Condition Yes, with purchase of conservation module
Manage Locations Yes
Manage Restricted Materials Yes
Manage Rights Yes
Manage Loans & Exhibits Yes
De-Accessioning Yes
Track Reference Statistics Yes
Generate Reports Yes
Track Repository Statistics Yes
Resource Description
Authority Control Yes
Controlled vocabulary Yes:  “Pre-defined thesauri and term lists, e.g. the UNESCO Thesaurus may optionally be pre-loaded into the system.”
Compliance to Archival Standards ISAD-(G), EAD, ISAAR(CPF) 
Data Validation Yes, using the validated fields and field entry templates
Templating/ Default Fields Yes
Support for Digital Media Yes
Internationalization Yes: customization to support multilingual data entry; supports UTF-8. English, Dutch, German, French, Arabic or Greek user-interface. Data can also be stored in multiple languages (multiple language variants for the same field).
Flexibility of Data Model Yes, fields can be added, new tables can be added
Item-level Description Yes
Reorganize Hierarchies

Yes: “Using Adlib Designer, you can delete or add levels to this drop-down list [of 6 levels], or change the names of the levels (for instance if you usually speak of a group or collection instead of a fonds, and of classes and items instead of series and files), and customize the possibilities of your archive hierarchy this way”  

Dynamically generate EAD finding aids Yes
Publish finding aids online Yes, using Adlib internet server
Administrative Functions
User Permissions Yes: “Adlib Archive allows access rights to be assigned to both individual users and groups of users. This allows control of access to data and to certain functions, such as editing, deletion or output of data.”
Support for Harvesting/ Syndication Yes: OAI support via Adlib OAI Server, available for free to Adlib customers
Customization/ Configuration Yes: “Fields can be modified, added and removed, or new data structures built from scratch. Forms, menus and reports can likewise be changed, and the Adlib procedural language can be used to develop powerful and sophisticated data validation and manipulation procedures. All Adlib standard systems are delivered with tools so that you can customize the system yourself, or have our consultants do the work for you.”
Spell Check Yes
Bug Reporting No, but found bugs can be reported using the online MyAdlib website.
Interoperability with Digital Repository Systems Yes
User Interface
Web Publishing Yes, with purchase of Adlib Internet Server. “The optional Adlib Internet Server module, enables any Adlib database to be searched from a standard Web Browser over an Intranet or the Internet. Support for the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is included. Adlib Information Systems can also build a customised web application for your Adlib Internet Server, offering a wide range of possibilities and great flexibility.”
Browse Yes
Search Yes: “The Search Wizard takes the user step by step through browsing and searching a number of pre-defined indexes, such as: Reference Code, Creator, Subjects and Places, etc. Query by Form: this technique allows simple searching across multiple fields. The Search Language: allows searching across all fields in any combination whether indexed or not. Queries can include Boolean and logical operators, and left or right truncation. Results are returned as sets which may also be combined. Both queries and results may be saved for later re-use.”
Advanced Search Yes
Customizable Yes, using Adlib Designer
Built-in Help Yes
Link to Images & Other Files Yes
Easy Data Entry Yes
Other Features ?

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